I was told that networking is one of the best ways to (finally) get that referral for the next (first) job. Anyways, today I recieved an email from someone I trust to whom I sent a link for a job offer that I had seen in my personal search. The email invited me into some online community (LinkedIn) . Since then, I've been spamming everyone I know about it. I don't usually do that and it makes me feel just a little dirty. However, I'm desperate. I'll admit it. I've been out of work since Christmas and it's almost spring. Something has GOT to give here. There seems to be absolutely no entry level java programming positions in all of northern WV. I have recently expanded my search, but if I leave WV, I will feel like I've betrayed something. I am more loyal to my family and their needs than my state. I used to criticize the fact that everyone born in WV seems to get an education and leave the state. Now I understand it though. There is very little here that will provide for your fiscal welfare. It is a great place to get outdoors and to feel close to nature and life and God. I sent out a billion emails without any personal flavor to them -- which I abhor. Sometimes you make concessions. Don't hate me.