Don't upgrade java on Ubuntu if your using 64bit Eclipse

I did that recently and it hosed my Eclipse installation. Seems I've re-installed Eclipse 4 or 5 times on this machine already. The big problem I think is that different versions of Eclipse aren't really compatible, Ubuntu offers a package version of both Eclipse and java which don't work well together. The Java6 jvm is buggy as all get out on an AMD64, so stay away from it for now. Use 1.5 instead. I installed the latest flavor of Eclipse and Ganymede does have eye candy value and a better plugin manager, from what I can tell so far, but it does seem a little more resource intensive than previous versions. I'd like to get it to work with the latest java, but I'll have to wait on hardware compatibility fixes. Either that or just get intel when I get a new computer. I still have to set up a subversion plugin and I'm looking at subversive. I've tried subclipse in the past, but it may have exacerbated some of the compatability nightmare that is Eclipse.


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