Upgrading from JBOSS 4.2.2 to JBOSS 5

This has given me headaches for the past 2 months. CXF is updated and this caused some issues with some of our web services clients. We were able to move from the CXF that ships with JBOSS to the latest one, eliminating some of the problems we were having with XMLAdapters. After getting everything running in our dev / staging environments we moved it into production last week. Now the upload processes are failing due to OutOfMemory errors. The java processes are taking up WAY too much RAM and it's a nightmare again. I don't want to move everything back to 4.2.2 because there were a lot of changes to get this working, but I will do so if we need to.


Mike Bond said…
Just one of the many reasons i hate using Java.

Same reason I refuse to get on the Ruby/Rails bandwagon.

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