Glenn Beck not Christian because of Social Justice?

Ok. So theres a big push out there to claim that Glenn Beck isn't Christian because he doesn't like the phrase "social justice". People are saying he doesn't like the poor. That he's racist and hates those of poor fortune. I really don't think that's the case. People say he's against helping the poor or unfortunate. Again, I don't think that's the case. What I think IS the case is that he's against forced charity under the banner of "social justice".

When my daughter comes and cries that her brother took her toy from her and my son says that she wouldn't share, I tell him that forced sharing is stealing and is wrong. How is this a hard concept? People should share. Sharing isn't wrong. Forced charity is stealing. Saying you know better how to use someone elses resources and you know someone who needs them more then you, so you don't deserve them, let me just take and give them to those guys is stealing. Charity should come from one's own heart. Not from someone else forcing you to give. That's not a choice. Charity is a choice. "Social justice" is about taking away your choice to be charitable. Is that a difficult concept? Did Christ say force all the rich to give up everything to the poor and come follow me? No. He asked the rich to give up their riches and come follow him. If your talking about "social justice" as organizing a charity to give to the poor, I'm sure that Glenn Beck is all for that. If your talking about "social justice" as quotas for minorities, government welfare or other Inefficiency Inc. run forced charites, I think he and I will both come down against it.


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