Google Apps

Checked out Google's offering for a music app.  I now have my library in the cloud.  We'll see how it goes, but I've been impressed with the amout on online apps that google has been producing.   Almost makes me want to try a chromebook.  Just not completely sure I'd want a laptop that only works as a browser.  The amount of games offered in the chrome store has skyrocketed.  Since I don't have an android or an apple iXXX product, chrome store is the only place I see the small packaged apps right now.  I like the fact that android / chrome stuff is not tied to a single manufacturer's hardware line.  Been thinking of trying out programming a chrome app myself, I'll have to check out what's involved.  Doesn't seem to be much as many of them aren't more than links to a website.


Mike Bond said…
I have very mixed feelings about google, I wish they would stop making products that I want to use.

My concerns stem around privacy. We are not their customers, but use their products like we are. Their customers are the companies paying for advertising space.

They offer a music service so that they can better target music sales and concert ticket offerings. They read your email, your documents, analyze your pictures ... Obviously all by computer ... But still, they are a database of you.

I've stopped using google search. I us G+ (and facEbook) as mobile apps and in private browser sessions. I'm not logged into any google apps in a browser that I use for browsing.

Also, with regards to the hardware. Remember, that was one of windows biggest mistakes as well. Being available on commodity hardware, MANY of its stability problems are and were driver stably issues. If you have a more limited subset of hardware to worry about you'll likely have a more stable platform.

The thing that turns me away from android time and time again is the fragmentation of the OS. It's hard to tell which phone is "better" ... I don't want a bigger screen. I want more resolution. I don't want 6 different keyboard options, I want to upgrade my device and have everything just work. I don't want to decide on a phone and then decide on a vendor based on how they modified the interface or what they've added or taken away.

I also don't like everything stored in the cloud. If its not MY cloud on my servers, I don't want a part of it. (I do pay apple $25 a year for music match though, and it's awesome ... But everything lives,locally and just syncs up and down ... For the most part ... Plus, with theirs I AM their customer)

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