The only thing we have to fear is ...

Global Warming,
News Organizations,
Political [In]correctness,
Social Justice Warriors,
Social Injustices,
Plastic in the Oceans,


 fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.

Nod to FDR

I fear that we have chosen fear.
I fear that we love fear.
I fear that those in power love fear and fear mongering.
I fear that fear will be used to manipulate me, my friends, and my family.
I fear that this fear will inspire crazy people to crazy, extreme actions.

I have faith that fear won't always win.
I hope that common sense is still a thing.
I believe that we will overcome our current challenges.

I know the world is forever changed every day.  Recently these changes have been radical due to extreme circumstances.  What it changes to depends on our battle between what we have faith in, what we hope for, and how much power we let fear have in our lives.

I have faith in powers greater than plague, sickness and death.  I believe He can help me overcome my fear of the same and prompt me to act to create in my life a better world, a better self, a kingdom of hope in my little slice of almost heaven.  I hope that these fears end quickly for my friends, and that our faith together will allow this ever changing world to change into something more beautiful and more free.  I believe in us.  I believe we are all us.  I believe humans are beautiful. I believe the weakest among us are still made in a divine image, with the potential to move the world. I hope I can be mindful, loving, kind and brave --a better man every day. 


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