Fair Tax Phone Tax

Recently I've been taking over bill paying responsibilities from my wife. As a result, I now see all the bills. I just looked at the details of my phone bill and see that about 20% is listed as toll. These break down into 911 service fees and long distance FCA tax and a USF charge that has to do with making services accessible where it's not really financially beneficial for the phone company but is required and subsidized by this "tax". Does this look anything like what the fair tax will look like? If it does, why am I paying 20% tax for phone service with my already taxed income. Does this seem fair? Please, one or the other people, not both. If we ever "switch" to the fair tax, will that be in addition to these already implemented additional taxes? I would love to get rid of the IRS and the yearly hassle of paying income tax, but I'm not sold yet. I also don't dismiss it out of hand.


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