So tired

I've just finished major development and dev testing of a huge piece of software for our client. I implemented drools to do workflow management of a web content system. It was a bear. Drools is ok once you get the hang of it. I guess if people complain about how much time it took, I can always tell them that I really built a primitive AI (the rete tree feature in the eclipse plugin is neat, but I'm not sure how to interpret it). The learning curve was a bit harder than I expected. They use their own little syntax for rules based on mvel, which I didn't know anyways. Once I got the eclipse plugin setup for the project I was using (basically I just copied the nature from a new drools project into the .project file for the project I was integrating, [I think I saw some option to do that through the GUI somewhere later, but couldn't find it again when I looked for it]) I could then use the syntax validation features which made things a little easier. Finally, I just put it on the server and had it validate as it compiled and updated the rules file with vi. There were things about how I thought it would work in theory that didn't hold up in practice, necessarily. e.g. You would think imports of an enum would get you all the types like
import com.domain.MyEnum would get you MyEnum.GOOD or MyEnum.BAD, but not so. In java you would get that with just com.domain.*, but it seems to get that in drools its like com.domain.MyEnum.* at least I think it is, cause before I figured that out I switch to doing something like

MyEnum (name == "VALUE") instead of ( enum == MyEnum.VALUE)

which seems like a hack to me. I'll probably go back and clean it up a bit, but right now I'm just beat all to heck.


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