Wet Kitty Litter Really Stinks
I woke up this morning to get an early start on my projects for work and when I came down into the basement I stepped in something wet. There was a puddle beside the door. I heard a hissing noise and checked the laundry room from where the sound was coming. The feeder hose to the refrigerator was leaking in a small stream and fine mist all over the the floor saturating the carpet, the spilled kitty litter, litter box, and various laundry baskets full of dirty laundry. After some confusion about where the main cutoff was, we shut of the water. Later I found out that where the little supply hose was connected to the main line, there was a little valve which would have saved me shutting off the whole house. When the hardware store opened, I went and bought another straight valve and attached the ends of the piping after cutting out a bad section. Life has returned to "normal", if there is such a thing.