Camping trip
My family and my brother's family went to Jennings Randolph Lake this weekend camping. Despite illness and thunderstorms we still managed to have a fun time. We walked a 3 mile or so hike through woods and hills of wildflowers. The wildflowers were so dense that from a distance it looked like the hills were actually a pinkish purple. Later we went to the little man made "beach". You could see 3 inch minnows swimming amongst your feet. The rough rocky sand ate at your feet, but the kids had a wonderful time. Jacob said it was good to have finally gone to the beach. I guess I shouldn't tell him it wasn't what we normally call THE beach, just a beach. Grandma and grandpa showed up that evening for dinner and horseshoes. Later when the kids went to sleep, we played cards until long after dark. At some point it became apparent that those of our boys who weren't sick the night before had become sick too. The grandparents left at this point. After cleaning up the mess and praying together, we decided to just tough it out instead of going straight home. I actually slept better that night than the first night. All in all it wasn't the worst camping trip I've been on and considering all that happened, I'll take that.